Tuesday, June 2, 2015

What We Don’t Know We Need Yet

By Jenny Donelan

The show floor at Display Week opened today, and beforehand the San Jose Convention Center was already crowded with people. By all reports, attendance is very strong this year. It looks like it’s going to be a lively show. One reason is the Silicon Valley location, which is convenient for tech industry folks who might like to stop in for the day or part of the day. Once such person is Brian Krzanich, CEO of Intel, which is located in Santa Clara -- a hop, skip, and a jump away from the convention center.

Krzanich actually did more than stop by – he kicked off the keynote sessions with a description of Intel’s gesture-based platform RealSense and of the brave new world of human/device interaction in general. Krzanich described how the GUI and touch-based interface we know is morphing into one in which devices will eventually be able to see, hear, feel, and even “understand” their human users. Krzanich showed some of those cool Intel Jim Parsons commercials, and also inspired listeners with a description of the immersive computing world that Intel is currently striving to create.

I was able to interview Krzanich after his address, and I asked him how much people really want new interactive paradigms. In other words:  Is it a technology push or pull kind of situation? He replied: “If you ask someone on the street if they want a computer that sees in 3D, they’re probably going to say no.” Show them what they can do with such a computer, however, and the story is different. When developers are able to show gamers, for example, new worlds of play based on object and speech recognition, they may sign on quickly.

Krzanich also mentioned the importance of the display industry (and Display Week) to Intel right now, because most of this future interactivity is going to happen via a display. For their part, display makers should take heed of what Intel and other interactive technology companies are up to, lest they miss catching an important new trend.

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